Boutique Electrique has made its mission of completely revising vintage guitars, bass guitars, amplifiers and effects for a second life with an enthusiast.
Guitar specialists
Boutique Electrique is located together with 't Speeltuygh (acoustic guitars) in a beautiful, modest building on the Vechtstraat in Zwolle. These are guitar specialists. Every available space is filled with guitars. When you open the door, a plectrum moves back and forth across strings as you open the door for a musical greeting. Everything, really everything breathes guitar.
Unique collection
Once inside, immerse yourself in a unique guitar collection. Eric makes the beautiful collection of electric guitars, basses, amplifiers and effects a place where people with a passion for guitars like to be friendly at home. Whether you're looking for a guitar or not, chances are you'll want to try some guitars. Which can. Provided with fresh coffee you can indulge your passion undisturbed for hours. You have a chance of falling in love with a guitar and at the end of the day walking out the door with your new love under your arm. Because yes, sometimes it is love from the first sound.